Best Asian Countries to Travel to: My Travel Experiences

american woman in a temple in Saigon, Vietnam

Best Asian Countries to Travel to: My Travel Experiences

I am no stranger to the intoxicating allure of Asia - a continent so vast and varied in its cultural tapestry that each visit unfurls a new chapter in the ongoing adventure that is travel. Across this majestic landmass, some countries stand out as luminary waypoints on my journey through life, each unique, each with a story to tell, and each deeply etched into my memory with fondness. Let me share with you why these corners of Asia, with their vibrant scenes and serene vistas, have captivated my wanderer’s heart and why they could do the same for you.


Japan was an experience of contrasts, where modernity brushes against tradition, and everything operates with an orderly precision that's almost artistic. Tokyo, the electric heart of Japan, was both a visual and sensory treat. I recall the nights in a capsule hotel, a snug haven that offered all the necessary amenities despite its futuristic minimalism. At 100 dollars a night, the experience might not have been expansive, but it certainly was exclusive.

Japanese cuisine transcended mere eating; it was a foray into a heritage of flavors. Savoring eel for the first time, I understood why culinary diligence is a cornerstone of Japanese culture.

However, be forewarned – Tokyo is not for the faint of wallet. Accommodations and transport can tally up quite the sum. Yet, the city’s exorbitant cost pales in comparison to the wealth of experience it offers. It’s a price worth paying for the meticulously arranged store window of Japan's soul.


Bangkok, Thailand

Bangkok had a lot of beautiful temples.

Pattaya beach in Thailand

Thailand is my favorite Asian sojourn. A country of smiles, where the warmth of the people is as inviting as the soft sands of its postcard-perfect beaches. Phi Phi Island stands as a pinnacle of natural beauty, an idyllic escape that compels one to feel as though they've stepped into the very definition of paradise. The night markets, vibrant and bustling, and the nightlife along Kao San Road, perpetually thrumming with energy and the chatter of fellow travelers, are indelible memories.

If culture and festivity had a crossroads, it would be here – along the streets where every night is a celebration of life. My advice is to let loose, wander, and immerse yourself in Thailand’s joyful chaos. The country has a unique way of making you feel at home among strangers united by the thrill of discovery.


Vietnam, for me, was a discovery of serenity among scenes of profound beauty. It was there, in the heart of Central Vietnam, where history unfurled in the aged bricks and hallowed halls of temples that stand guard over tales of the past. Meeting a local on a beach and being shown around temples I might never have found in the pages of a guidebook was the kind of authentic experience travel dreams are made of.

Saigon charmed me with its vibrancy, from the bustling streets to the American breakfast comforts against a backdrop of Asian delicacies. It's a place where the pulse of tradition beats strong, and history whispers from every corner.

The call to roam in exploration is strong in Vietnam, and the kindness of its people makes for an open door to cultural appreciation. Don't shy away from interaction; it may guide you to the very soul of the country.

South Korea

Daegu, South Korea

Living in South Korea was a plunge into a nation where antiquity and pop culture dance in harmony. A year was enough to let the intricate tapestries of Korean life enfold me. It's a place where you can haggle in the markets by day and stand amidst a sea of glowing light sticks at a K-pop concert by night.

South Korean malls are not merely centers of commerce but rather grand statements of style and social hubs where fashion, technology, and gastronomy combine. The architectural splendor of these palatial complexes is a testament to South Korea's dedication to aesthetics and modernity.

Tickets to a K-pop concert can be a steal, so if music runs in your veins, then South Korea is the stage you seek.

A Patchwork of Unmissable Destinations

From Japan's meticulous order to Thailand’s beach serenity, Vietnam's poignant beauty to the pulsing rhythm of South Korea's streets, each nation gifted a vignette of unforgettable moments and treasured experiences. Travelling along Asia's vast expanses, one realizes that the journey is infinitely more colorful than any single destination.

For anyone considering a journey to Asia, I throw you a challenge: Look beyond the comforts of the familiar. Seek the unknown streets, the untasted flavors, the unwritten stories. And yes, always be prepared – for the expensive yet enriching ventures of Japan, the embrace of Thai hospitality, the historical heartbeat of Vietnam, and the kaleidoscopic culture of South Korea.

Stride with open eyes and an open heart into the wonders of Asia. Whether you're navigating the tight quarters of a Japanese capsule hotel, feeling the rhythm of Thailand’s nightlife, tracing the echoes of history in Vietnam, or joining the spirited fan chants at a Korean pop concert, each moment is a testament to life’s beautiful diversity.

These countries are but a few stars in the Asian firmament, each shining with its own light, beckoning travelers to partake in their story. As I recount my days spent under their skies, the images are as vivid as if I were there just yesterday—carved into my memory by the hands of people I met, the sights I saw, and the emotions those experiences evoked.

Take it from someone who's walked the temples of central Vietnam, fumbled for change on the neon-lit streets of Tokyo, lost hours in the marvel of South Korean malls, and found camaraderie on the lively lanes of Kao San Road—Asia’s allure is ceaseless.

So pack your bags, set your spirit free, and embark on a journey across the greatest continent where past, present, and future collide in a majestic mélange of travel magic. Every step, every breath taken in these countries is one closer to the pulse of the Earth itself. May your travels be safe, your memories rich, and your experiences full to the brim with the very essence of the lands that beckon.


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